Milestones (How to Swim a Mile, Without Bursting Your Spleen)
My elementary school made everyone run "The Mile" every year. And I dreaded it, every year. A MILE? We'd take-off near the tennis courts, then run four laps around a kickball field. The first lap was easy. I slowed down a bit by lap two, and by lap three, my internal organs were malfunctioning in a way that if my P.E. teacher yelled "Pick it up!" one more time, an organ was bound to burst.
Spaghetti on the Wall
You know that saying about throwing spaghetti on the wall to see if it sticks? First of all, I suggest you do that sometime because it feels a bit exciting in a very non-dangerous way. But also…
So This is the New Year…
Oh, hey 2019. It’s hard not to see you with all of your gleaming, empty calendar squares. You’ve got a lotta potential… also a lot of unknowns and assured moments of clumsiness. The action is all just waiting to unfold for you. Dramatic suspense really suits you.